
Upcoming Events

Finish Line Call

Do you have those moments when life just seems unfair? Or when you've started something and finishing seems so far away and moving towards it so slow that finishing doesn't even seem possible? If you are doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results, perhaps it's time to try a new approach.

Join our call, learn more, and register for an upcoming workshop. Weekly, Saturdays 10am - 11am, ET CLICK HERE TO JOIN

You are invited to celebrate Humanity Day!

October 28, 2023, 11:30am to 4pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Click Here to Pre-Register 


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September 16th, 1 pm to 2:30 pm Eastern

Click to Join

Many would say:

Humanity is timeless, inter-related with deep knowing...

Come inquire into the importance of Humanity!

Celebrate with us, or light a candle, or celebrate in your own way.

WE ARE ALL CAREGIVERS. Caregivers are the “safety net" of society. That upon which everything rests. Renewal is critical and necessary to maintain that "safety net". Therefore, your renewal assists in the continuous rebuilding and maintenance of that "safety net". Your RENEWAL is necessary for society itself.

Our next Developmental Course will be announced soon. It takes place on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from 11 am to 8 pm Eastern on ZOOM, and only costs $125 for the entire course.

In this course, you will generate renewal in your life and in your work. You may find yourself reinterpreting the meaning of the problems and upsets of daily life, generating renewal for yourself and others regardless of the circumstances, and being able to provide individual support for colleagues, clients, and families who are dealing with issues of burnout. Our work is an expression of the joy and fulfillment of service, and celebration is its voice.

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